Sunday, December 14, 2008

Miss Kennedy has arrived!

Finally we have the arrival of Miss Kennedy! It was a long, long night & I still haven't gone to bed. I drove 4 & 1/2 hours last night to get here, and I got here at 7:30pm. However, we still didn't have a baby until 10:12am this morning. And poor Grif, she tried her best to deliver Miss Kennedy but things weren't in her favor, Kennedy was turned with head to the side & Grif just wasn't progressing well, and Kennedy's heart rate kept dropping. So we had a c-section, and during this time Kennedy went into distress & had a meconium birth. My son went into the o.r. for the c-section and it was really hard for him b/c Kennedy had to have CPR and was put on a respirator. Grif asked him how Kennedy was doing & my brave son said, "she's doing great", I couldn't have done it! What a trooper! We sent out prayer request to everyone, and indeed God did answer our prayers, Kennedy was extubated & now on oxygen, has an IV, and a small tube down her throat. She is doing so much better. She will be in ICU tonight & probably all tomorrow. But God is so good. We have a beautiful baby girl, blonde hair, pale blue eyes (just like my son), 6 lbs & 5 oz, and 20 inches long. What a little beauty! And MOM (Grif) was so tired, but she did a great job. Please everyone keep Kennedy in your prayers for her continued progress. What a little sweetheart, thank you God for our sweet little baby. Hugs to our Baby Kennedy! Renea


Lisa said...

oh she is so precious. bless her little heart! she and ya'll have had a very rough day but every day will be better. she will grow stronger with every hour. enjoyed talking with Corey. ya know its just not fair that all baby's first pictures are with daddy! praying for kennedy, grif and corey and ya'll. keep me updated. love ya, lisa

Rebecca Ramsey said...

What a sweet little thing! I'll be praying for Miss Kennedy and the rest of you!

Kim Mailhot said...

Sweet prayers all around...

Welcome Kennedy !

LW said...

Welcome to the world Miss Kennedy…
What a little beauty you are!!!

Prays and thoughts,


MPD Wife said...

She is beautiful! Tell Corey and Griffin we said Congrats!

Our Hands For Hope said...

Well what a wonderful Christmas "Grandma"!!! How good our Lord is!
Love the new pillows.

FAQ said...

I am so grateful to God that he answered our prayers. She is beautiful. Congrats to Corey and Griffin. I'm proud as a peacock for them